The operation of CostTools software is based on a powerful back-end system which is using web technology. The operation of the system is supported by a server that is required to be installed as part of the project’s intranet.
Server Requirements
Every project has a different size which is based on budget, duration, scope of works etc. Depending the size of the project a capable server is necessary to overcome various cost control operations. Minimum requirements for a server are shown in the list below :
- Operating System Win 10 Pro
- 1 TB HDD
- 16 GB RAM
- CPU Intel i7 or AMD A10
CostTools Server Backend
On the server will be installed all the necessary back-end tools for the operation of CostTools software system which are :
- CostTools Database
- CostTools Software
Multi-User & Multi-Role access
The system administrator can use the internal multi-user system to provide multi-role usage rights to various users. The extended and secure abilities of CostTools will provide to high management access to sensitive information data producing detailed or summarized reports. At the same time, low-level users will be restricted to specific roles like data entry and limited low-level reporting.User can access access the CostTools Project Server via the local intranet using clients like desktop computers, laptops, notebooks or tablets. Clients can connect on the system using a web browser like Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge.
Responsive Web Technology
The system is built with web responsive technology. The main server of the system can be easily accessed from users across all the local and remote construction sites of the project.
Access is easy from any device, computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone using any of the popular web browsers like Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc.
Network Schema
In the image below appears the typical network schema where CostTools system is operational.